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Our Mission . . .


              Randolph Memorial Baptist Church is called of God to make disciples of Jesus Christ through:


  • Upreach: joyful, meaningful worship of the Lord

  • Outreach: loving, gracious evangelism and ministry to our community and our world

  • Inreach: effective, challenging spiritual education and formation of Christ-like character



Our Motto . . .

Seizing “the life that is truly life.” (I Timothy 6:19)



Our Invitation . . .

Experience the adventure . . .”Taste and see that the Lord is good!” (Psalm 34:8)



Our Vision . . .

We envision our congregation as a vibrant body of believers in which each of us is actively pursuing growth in Christ likeness, increasing in our capacity to live and tell the Good News of Jesus and God’s love to all persons, making disciples as we live out (incarnate)



  1. The prayer-filled life of Jesus

  2. The virtuous life of Jesus

  3. The Spirit-empowered life of Jesus

  4. The compassionate, just, merciful life of Jesus

  5. The Word-centered life of Jesus

  6. The servant life of Jesus



Diligently seeking the Spirit and Power of the life of Christ and living by His vision, love, hope, attitudes, and habits (as revealed in the Gospels and in the other New Testament writings), we shall engage ourselves in a worldwide ministry of disciple making by:



  1. Revealing the ways of Jesus and God’s Spirit in the ordinary, daily activities of our lives–in our marriages, families, work, business, financial affairs, play, community involvement, citizenship, and in our congregational life.

  2. Joining hands with other Great Commission Christians locally and around the world through financial support and prayer support of mission and ministry activities and through partnership missions.



We further envision our congregation engaging in:


  1. Services of worship that are filled with genuine praise and celebration and with passionate worshipers experiencing the life-giving Presence of God.

  2. Loving evangelism through personal witnessing in daily life, outreach strategies implemented through our Sunday School, and innovative ministries that touch lost persons in our community with the Gospel, all resulting new and old believers being drawn to the Lord and in our church family.

  3. Effective Christian education through small group resulting in mature followers of Jesus and in caring ministries (through ministry teams) that cause people to say, “Look how they love one another!”

  4. Personal and corporate prayer at a depth that “shakes the foundations of our lives, our families, our church, our community. (Acts 4:23-31) Last of all, we envision our congregation gathering and doing ministry in facilities that are second to none.



Fulfilling Our Vision . . .


There are four key elements in the fulfillment of our vision, four focal points for the work of our congregation during the next seven years:


  1. A Renewed Mission – Excellence in Disciple making

  2. A Renewed Approach to Serving – Ministry Teams

  3. A Renewed People – Building and Growing our Congregational Prayer Life

  4. People of Hope – Church Building Program/Capital Stewardship Campaign


    4246 S Amherst Hwy Madison Heights, VA 24572

P.O. Box 635

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am-4pm | Friday 9am-1pm


©2022 by Randolph Memorial Baptist Church. Proudly created with

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